Talk given to King's College, Cambridge on February 18th, 2020, meant to introduce my work to the College and explain...

Of primary concern to late eighteenth-century society was the sheer volume of printed work being produced in England. The response...

Ada's mother encouraged her interest in mathematics, partly after her own interests but partly to stop her being interested in...

What will the future of Book History look like? What should it look like? With the exaggerated claims of the...

This paper will investigate patterns of historical periodisation with regard to public intellectual work. It will begin with a focus...

Britain's Bloodless Revolutions explores the relationship of the emerging category of Literature to the emerging threat of popular violence between...

After Shakespeare the most famous British author in Europe, in Britain Byron was for years either neglected, or a victim...

What is—and what was—“the world”? Though often treated as interchangeable with the ongoing and inexorable progress of globalization, concepts of...

This Element examines the eighteenth-century novel's contributions to empirical knowledge. Realism has been the conventional framework for treating this subject...

Ends of Enlightenment explores three realms of eighteenth-century European innovation that remain active in the twenty-first century: the realist novel,...

This is a study of Enlightenment in Edinburgh like no other. Using data and models provided by urban innovation and...

The economic crisis of 2008 led to an unprecedented focus on the world of high finance—and revealed it to be...

In this broad ranging study, Gretchen Woertendyke reconfigures US literary history as a product of hemispheric relations. Hemispheric Regionalism: Romance and...

Bridging third wave HCI with infrastructure studies, this paper examines the relationship between infrastructural visibility, breakdown, and experience through an...

Encompassing new technologies, research methods, and opportunities for collaborative scholarship and open-source peer review, as well as innovative ways of...

This paper theorizes ubiquitous computing as a novel configuration of the archive. Such a configuration is characterized by...

The first comprehensive intellectual history of alphabet studies.
Inventing the Alphabet provides the first account of two-and-a-half millennia of scholarship...

A recent media turn in Romantic studies has foregrounded the ballad—and poetry more generally—as a privileged site for understanding how...