Of primary concern to late eighteenth-century society was the sheer volume of printed work being produced in England. The response...
This paper will investigate patterns of historical periodisation with regard to public intellectual work. It will begin with a focus...
Bridging third wave HCI with infrastructure studies, this paper examines the relationship between infrastructural visibility, breakdown, and experience through an...
This paper theorizes ubiquitous computing as a novel configuration of the archive. Such a configuration is characterized by...
A recent media turn in Romantic studies has foregrounded the ballad—and poetry more generally—as a privileged site for understanding how...
A few years ago, a group of researchers from the Stanford Literary Lab decided to use topic modelling to extract...
Criticism has traditionally worked with the middle of the scale: a text, a scene, a stanza, an episode, an excerpt…...
This work presents methods for exploring the lexical environment of political concepts using interactive network visualisations of corpus-derived grammatical relations...
Machine-written literature might offend your tastes but until the dawn of Romanticism most writers were just as formulaic
This paper presents a computational method for assessing the uses of the category “genre.” It takes as its example the...
This article provides a new analysis, appraisal and aesthetic examination of Mozart's notated melodic embellishments. Whereas previous studies of Mozartean...
This article examines the interplay of performing technique and compositional structure in the works of four violinist-composers from late 17th-century...